# 🤝 Contracts & Integrations
Do you love RPL and rETH? Us too! So we put together a list of integrations and services, as well as official contract deployments, to help you discover new places these assets can be used!
If you would like to contribute by helping integrate Rocket Pool into more services and protocols, reach out on Discord (opens new window)!
# Protocol Contracts
Chain | Contract | Address |
Mainnet | Deposit | 0x2cac916b2A963Bf162f076C0a8a4a8200BCFBfb4 (opens new window) |
Storage | 0x1d8f8f00cfa6758d7bE78336684788Fb0ee0Fa46 (opens new window) | |
Goerli* | Deposit | 0x2cac916b2A963Bf162f076C0a8a4a8200BCFBfb4 (opens new window) |
Storage | 0xd8Cd47263414aFEca62d6e2a3917d6600abDceB3 (opens new window) |
* Testnet
# Token Contracts
Chain | Asset | Address |
Mainnet | RPL | 0xD33526068D116cE69F19A9ee46F0bd304F21A51f (opens new window) |
rETH | 0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393 (opens new window) | |
Arbitrum | RPL | 0xb766039cc6db368759c1e56b79affe831d0cc507 (opens new window) |
rETH | 0xec70dcb4a1efa46b8f2d97c310c9c4790ba5ffa8 (opens new window) | |
Optimism | RPL | (not deployed to Optimism - in progress) |
rETH | 0x9bcef72be871e61ed4fbbc7630889bee758eb81d (opens new window) | |
Polygon | RPL | 0x7205705771547cf79201111b4bd8aaf29467b9ec (opens new window) |
rETH | 0x0266F4F08D82372CF0FcbCCc0Ff74309089c74d1 (opens new window) | |
Goerli* | RPL | 0x5e932688e81a182e3de211db6544f98b8e4f89c7 (opens new window) |
rETH | 0x178E141a0E3b34152f73Ff610437A7bf9B83267A (opens new window) |
* Testnet
# Deposit Pool Contract Version History
Chain | Version | Address |
Mainnet | v1.1 (current) | 0x2cac916b2A963Bf162f076C0a8a4a8200BCFBfb4 (opens new window) |
v1.0 | 0x4D05E3d48a938db4b7a9A59A802D5b45011BDe58 (opens new window) | |
Goerli* | v1.1 (current) | 0x2cac916b2A963Bf162f076C0a8a4a8200BCFBfb4 (opens new window) |
v1.0 | 0x923Ed282Cda8952910B71B5efcA7CDa09e39c633 (opens new window) |
* Testnet
# Integrations
** Likely not profitable